Trademark Registration

This is a letter applying for registration of a trademark for new goods with a description of the manner it was used.

Cease and Desist Letter (with Undertaking)

This is a letter of notice to inform a party that they are infringing on your client’s copyright. It gives a description of the details of the copyrighted work, and how is the infringing party encroaching on one’s enjoyment of their copyright. 

Trademark Licence Agreement

Trademarks Licence Agreement whereby the Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use the trademarks for products, goods or services. This is drafted in Neutral Form.

Copyright Licence Agreement

Copyright License Agreement whereby the Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use the copyright works for commercial production. This is drafted in Neutral Form.

Trademark Policy

This is a trademark policy issued by an employer to apply at the workplace. It sets the procedures and expectations to be followed by employees whenever dealing with trademarks in the course of their employment.

Copyright Policy

This is a copyright policy issued by an employer to apply at the workplace. It sets the procedures and expectations to be followed by employees whenever dealing with copyright in the course of their employment.

Assignment Agreement

A simple assignment of intellectual property from the assignor and the assignee.

What are the possible penalties for a registered design infringement?

Obtaining registration for your design is the first step towards protecting all your hard work and creativity. However, this step itself does not completely guarantee against infringement of your design. Thus, it is important to be vigilant of how your design can be infringed and what remedies you are entitled to if such an infringement … Read more

What are the benefits of design registration?

After you obtain successful registration for your design, there are various rights that you can enjoy under the relevant Hong Kong law, namely the Registered Designs Ordinance (Cap. 522). In summary, these rights are beneficial as they help to legally protect your creativity and hard work. For more information on how to register your design, … Read more