Non-compete and Non-Solicitation Agreement for Employment

One way Non Compete and Non Solicitation agreement for employment. It imposes a unilateral non-compete and non-solicitation obligation on the employee. This is drafted in short and simple form to procure signing without negotiation. This is drafted in neutral form.

Work From Home Policy/ Telecommuting Policy

Template of a Remote Work Policy / Work From Home Policy for a company’s internal use. The policy aims to provide guidance for employees who work remotely from the Company. 

Employment Agreement (Junior Employee)

Employment Agreement between Company and Junior Employee without option for Junior Employee to purchase share options. This is drafted in favour of the Company.

Business Expense Reimbursement Policy

Standard corporate business expense reimbursement policy. A business expense policy is the Company’s policy to reimburse employees for all expenses necessary, reasonable, appropriate and allowable for a valid business purpose to conduct the business of the Company.

Disciplinary Policy

Disciplinary Policy template is used by the employer to address matters relating to employee misconduct and performance issues at work. It sets out the procedure for conducting disciplinary proceeding against an employee.

Grievance Policy and Procedure

Template of Grievance Policy and Procedures outlines for the company’s internal use. This template sets out the procedure for filing grievances, conducting investigation, decision-making and appeals.