Dropshipping Agreement

Drop Shipping Agreement to provide a framework for the sale of supplier’s products to the Vendor’s customers on its website. This form is drafted in neutral form.

Novation Agreement

A simple novation agreement to novate the rights and obligations of the transferor to the transferee with the consent of the counterparty. A partial transfer of all the transferor’s rights and release the transferor’s obligations under the Agreement to that extent. The transferor otherwise continues as a party to the Agreement.

What do I need to understand about agency relationships in a business?

Agency refers to a type of relationship involving two parties: an agent and a principal. The principal can be an individual person or a company. In an agency relationship, the agent is granted the authority, to act on behalf of the principal. This includes the ability of the agent to create binding contractual relationships between … Read more

What is an NDA and when do I need one?

What is an NDA? An NDA, which stands for a non-disclosure agreement, is a legally binding contract in which a business or individual promises to keep certain information received from another party confidential. There are generally two parties to an NDA: discloser and disclosee. The discloser is the party who is disclosing the confidential information … Read more

What is misrepresentation? What are the remedies?

A misrepresentation is a false statement of law or fact made by one party (party A) to another party (party B) which induces that other party (party B) to enter into a contract. The three elements that must be present for misrepresentation are: (i)         Someone has made a statement of fact … Read more

What is a breach of contract?

when the parties have breached the obligations they have agreed to in the contract. Obligations are those responsibilities or commitments that a party is legally bound to fulfil in an agreement.   Example:  Let’s say two parties have entered a contract for the sale of certain goods. One of the most important obligations for the buyer … Read more

What are the key elements for making a valid contract?

Most assume that once one party has made an offer and the other party has accepted, a contract has been formed. In reality, however, there are six elements that must be fulfilled for a valid, legally binding contract to exist. A contract is valid and legally binding if the following six key elements are present: … Read more